Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Liquid Diet Lameness

For the past 2 weeks, I have been checking off items on my food bucket list.  I ate all the food that I love, because after surgery, I may not ever be able to eat them again.  I went to my favorite restaurants in Orlando and around here, and made an amazing lasagna for Mother's Day.  With all the food out of the way, I was ready to start my liquid diet on Monday.  

Well, Monday came around, and by 11am, I was ready to chew my arm off.   According to the surgeon, when you have surgery, you need to be on a 2 week liquid diet to shrink the size of your liver.  Since my liver is already enlarged, I understand the purpose.  But, only being able to eat 1000 calories a day is NUTS!  I understand that once I have the surgery, I will be eating under 1000 calories a day, but I still have a very large stomach, so I feel this should be more.  

On Monday, I drank a chocolate EAS protein shake for breakfast (it was pretty good), a strawberry protein shake (DISGUSTING!) and tomato soup for lunch, and bean and bacon soup (pureed and diluted) for dinner.  I was starving, but luckily the support group meeting was Monday night, so me and Mark went there where I begged for liquid diet support.  The support group was great, and so was Mark.  We both learned a lot, and I walked away knowing it gets better.

When Tuesday came around, I felt a little better, had only a chocolate shake for lunch, and added another shake for dinner.  Mark also made me lift weights while sitting on the couch (something he learned from the support group), and bought me a bunch of snacks that people recommended.

Today I went to my What to Expect in Surgery class with my Mom, and learned some more interesting things.  Since we were out during "lunch" time and had no access to our usual shakes, we were STARVING!  I mean, we were about to pass out, it was really bad.  We were in Target, and we went to Starbucks, who has a smoothie with dark cocoa, soy milk, protein and fiber powder, and a banana.  It was so good, and I am so excited that they offer a protein rich drink.  Thank you Starbucks!

Now for the bad.  Since I have been starving myself for the past two days, I figured I should have lost a substantial amount of weight.  I have not cheated at all, and I have been tempted so many times but have resisted.  I knew my Mom has lost 6lbs from her liquid diet over the past 2 days, so I felt as though mine should be the same. Well, I got on the scale, and I have only lost 2lbs.  I know you are thinking "Two pounds is good too", but when you are going through the day light headed and hungry, it's not enough.  I was devastated by my results.  I am literally starving myself,  I am eating a third of what I typically eat, and I only lost 2 damn pounds?!?!!  I am still mad about it.  Once I saw my dismal results, I was ready to eat something, pizza sounds amazing.  But, I didn't and I am still trucking on.  I am sitting here light headed because I am hungry, but the pizza in the freezer is still sitting there, because I know it's what I am supposed to do.  Tomorrow is another day, and hopefully I will see some results soon.


  1. Hey love! This is Natalie (Fernandez). I'm following your blog and I think what you are doing for yourself isfantastic! And two pounds is a LOT to lose in that short a time! Also, if your mom weighed herself the night before liquid dieting and weighed in in the morning two days later, that could account for why the scale said six pounds. There are about 3500 cals per pound of fat, so to lose that much in two days is pretty much impossible. Chin up! You are doing great :)

  2. Girl hang in there. Ill be glad to do it with you so you're not one. Tell me what to do. Amber jefferies

  3. Keep at it girl!! You already have so much resolve :)
    It's so great that you have a support group, and you can write your frustrations out on the blog.
    You're starting off on the right foot, so you are doing great!!

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