Many people have been asking me, "What made you want the surgery"? To me the answer is obvious, I don't want to be fat anymore, DUH! But, so I don't sound vain, I tell them about health problems and what not. I have started thinking of all of the real reasons I want surgery, so I figured I would share them with you.
Now, I know this is a first, 2 entries in a week, but I am procrastinating doing my geometry homework, and this was a good reason to put it on hold.
Without further delay:
1. Get pregnant, I want a baby already!
2. Ride Harry Potter's Forbidden Journey
3. Wear a dress without having to wear spanx
4. Shop in a non-plus size store
5. Not always be the biggest one when I go out with a group of friends
6. For my scale to not say OL (overload) when I step on it
7. My students to call me a Bitch, as opposed to a Fat Bitch or Fat Ass Bitch
8. Wear jeans without having a muffin top
9. Go to the mall with out trying to start a fight because some douche is talking about me
10. Have another wedding with Mark, or at least take pictures in a skinny bride dress, without a double chin
11. NO MORE DOUBLE CHIN! I want to punch Sam from high school in the face for always making fun of it. BTW, she looks like a damn monkey
12. Look good at my 10 year high school reunion. I can't believe it will be next year!
13. My Grandma's ring to fit me again
14. Be under 200 pounds
15. Actually be able to say I am bloated due to my period, not just bloated because I am always bloated
16. Be able to walk up a flight of stairs without wheezing
17. Walk in my classroom without my ass hitting the desks
18. Fit in my own seat in an airplane. Thanks for always sharing yours with me Mark!
19. Be able to cross my legs without having to pull my leg up
20. Not be slapped in the face by my arm fat
I am sure I will come up with more to add to this list in the future, so keep your eyes out for updates. Thanks to everyone for all of their support!
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